Aligning, managing and motivating your suppliers is, well… hard.

It requires a significant investment of time, money, knowledge, capability, skills, tools and commercial nous to get it right.

Our suite of Managed Services, enabled by our Catalytics® technology solutions, alleviates the burden of having to build and maintain everything you need to get the most out of your suppliers.

Because chances are, we’ve already built what you need.

Our end-to-end services

Our end-to-end service gives you everything you need to run a next generation procurement function - in a nice, neat package.

Working closely with you, we will collaboratively design the right mix of technology, tools, people and expected outcomes in the context of your business. Walworx will then take responsibility for managing the entire Source to Pay (S2P) operation on your behalf.

Individual services

Our Managed Services are modular in design, which means if you only need a few of the components from the full service, we have a selection of critical services available to choose from.

Sourcing and category management services

  • Category management

Supplier management services

  • Supplier value management

Enabling services

  • Spend analytics

Our Managed Services give you direct access to our
Catalytics technology and all of the benefits
that come with it

  • A truly independent partner

    We are not conflicted or burdened by supporting other areas of your business, we only care about one thing – to make procurement truly great in your business.

  • Access to a deep repository of templates, tools and guides

    Our proprietary tools enable us to capture, codify and deploy best practices throughout our entire delivery network – all a mouse click away - ensuring that all Walworxites on-the-ground have the best tools and knowledge to drive the best outcomes for our clients.

  • Access to one of the largest procurement functions in the world

    A melting pot of industry experts, business leaders and procurement specialists at your disposal, as and when you need them. And you can guarantee that the range of skills and capabilities are as diverse as the assets we manage on behalf of our clients.

  • Access to our R&D department

    We are constantly investing in our people, our tools, our delivery capabilities to ensure our clients always have access to latest and greatest thinking.

  • Benefits of our market leverage

    We manage over $11bn worth of assets on behalf of our clients – covering the gambit of business areas, from marketing agencies to female kevlar vests. Our scale means we are in the market more often, forging strong relationships with suppliers and constantly bringing new insights back to our clients.

  • Global delivery infrastructure

    Delivery teams located across Europe, Asia and the United States – both on client sites and within our own offices / delivery hubs.

  • Governance, risk and commercial excellence

    Good governance supported by our best practice frameworks managing (and mitigating) your exposure to risk, while ensuring commercial excellence is being built into the culture of your business

  • Intelligent support, in a time zone near you

    Our on-the-ground delivery teams are supported by a deep network of business partners, sourcing experts, helpdesks, buyers, contract specialists – located close to our clients.

  • Regulatory compliance and auditability

    Our flexible operating model allows even the most demanding regulatory compliance to be embedded into the service

  • … oh, and the expected procurement outcomes

    You know – cost optimisation, streamlined processes, easy to use P2P tools etc – the stuff that should just fall out from doing procurement right.

What is inside one of the biggest
procurement functions in the world?

Click on each of the below sections to learn more.